Heart in the Clouds

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Wow, I can not believe that it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I'm still on bed rest and waiting to hear from the surgeon, although my family doctor and the neurologist figure that I will need decompression surgery. The problem is I already had decompression/fusion surgery in that spot on my spine and they are not sure they can do it again in the same L4/L5 region (have no idea what they are talking about - hate doctor speak!).

I have some of the most wonderful aunts and they have been keeping me supplied with books while stuck in bed. I have read 3 Joanne Fluke books. I am really enjoying those and would love to be able to get into the kitchen and try some of those recipes since they look kind of easy. I have also read Devil Bones by Kathy Reich (she writes for the TV show Bones and the book is based on her character Dr. Brennan). I have just started Just Take my Heart by Mary Higgins Clark.

Between books I have also been able to do some stitching on my WIP Achoo. It still doesn't look like a dog yet but at least it doesn't have that adult in nature look any more. I'm a day late with my TUSAL '10 picture but at least I remember.

The temperature has been in the double digits here +10F to +12F and really sunny and I have been stuck in bed. Here's a picture of Ozzy playing on the last snow bank in the yard. He has his electric collar on and he hates it but it keeps him safely in the yard and off the street so I'm afraid he is going to have to life with it.
He doesn't look very happy does he!

Take care very one and Happy St. Patty's Day

Friday, March 5, 2010

So far March has pretty much sucked!!!

I haven't been able to post every much lately. I thought my legs were getting better then a few days ago I went to get up from the chair and I couldn't move my right foot or toes. After seeing a neurologist, pain management doctor, and a physio therapist; I now have to wait to see a surgeon on the mainland (5 hr drive away from my house). It's looks like I have a pinched nerve but because my back is so bad no one wants to do anything because they can not guarantee that 1) it will fix the problem and 2) that if the surgery does work it won't come back.

So now I'm on bed rest until the mid of next week when I go back to see my family doctor to see if there are any changes.

The only good thing from this, is that I'm getting a lot of reading and stitching done. Hopefully I can get to my computer soon to post some pictures. My son has been amazing and he has been letting me use his laptop so I don't have to get up and go to the computer room to use mine.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wow what a hockey game.

Okay I can honestly said that up until today I can count the seconds on one hand the amount of time that I watched the Olympics (I'm terrible I know) but other than European football (soccer) I'm not much of a sports person. However, this evening I turned to the last hour of the canadian/usa hockey game. It was an intense game, won in over time 3-2 for Canada (wahooo!!!!). While I was very happy for the Canadians, I also got teary-eyed for the Americans players they looked so heart broken and some were in tears, understandably. I can understand how people get caught up in the game my emotions and nervous were all over the place. I didn't play the game but in some ways it felt like I did...:)

Yesterday it snowed all day and night. Woke up this morning to snow covering everything. It was perfect for snowballs. Not good for shoveling, very wet and heavy. One good thing about a snow storm is you can get some stitching and reading done. Finished my first book by Joanne Fluke, Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder and I enjoyed it very much.
Picture of our snow cover street this morning at 7 am after the snow plow went by

Picture of my son shovel a path for himself on his way down to get the snow blower from my dad.

Here's an update on my latest WIP - Achoo

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Survivor -- Don't think I'd make it

Had a terrible night sleeping last night (leg was hurting like crazy) and even worse day. I accomplished nothing. Even tried to stitch and was unable to concentrate. Did start reading a new book that my mom bought me. She knows that I love mysteries, and she bought me 3 new books by this author Joanne Fluke. I have never read anything by this author before but what I have read so far I have really liked.

I'm sitting here watching Survivor. I usually don't watch Survivor because I'm watching my fav tv show Supernatural and Vampire Dairies but they are repeats so I'm giving Survivor a try. Besides the physical aspect of the show which I could never do; I would never be able to handle all the lying. I'm terrible at lying everyone says that I smile if I try to lie so that would a be a dead give away. But I think the worst part is that they can be so mean to each other. I understand it's a game but still -- wow!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow and a stitching update

I feel like such a bad blogger -- it's been a while since I have really posted anything. Legs and back are still not great but at least I can sit for a bit longer now without wanting to cry -- that's always a good thing. Just realized that a week from today will be March 1. Another month almost over already.

Yesterday we woke up to snow. Not very much (less then 5 cm) and it's almost all gone now but it was so pretty as the snow was stuck to the trees. These are two pictures of some of the trees in our backyard.

Picture of a neighbors house and tree laden with snow

I have been able to do some stitching on my latest project but it's still really hard to tell what it is. My Dad saw it and asked if I was stitching something "adult in nature" and then suggested a candle...lol. Showed him the picture and all I got was an Ohh.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sorry for lack of updates

My back and legs have been really bothering me lately and I haven't been able to sit very long and do an update. I hope to have more of a post tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Well I had a good day

Did you ever have one of those days that nothing seem to go right? Well for once it wasn't me; however, my son did had one of those days. He had to replace something on his truck Saturday and then again today (garage bill $901 in two days); then he had to go to work early this morning and slept in and then on the way home for lunch he was driving my dad's truck because his was in the garage and someone ran into the truck ($800 damage on my dad's truck) but no one was hurt. The insurance company told my son that he would have to pay half even though it wasn't his fault but because he was in the mall parking lot it is 50/50. The police had a statement from the guy that ran into him and the man said that it was all his fault (his car stalled and rolled back down the hill) and it wasn't in the parking lot but in exit drive (guess that makes a difference). So now the man has to pay the whole bill.

I did manage to get the house work done that I wanted to do and was able to go for a nice walk. It was mild here today great for getting outside. Plus I managed to get some stitching done. All in all I had a great day.