Heart in the Clouds

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow and a stitching update

I feel like such a bad blogger -- it's been a while since I have really posted anything. Legs and back are still not great but at least I can sit for a bit longer now without wanting to cry -- that's always a good thing. Just realized that a week from today will be March 1. Another month almost over already.

Yesterday we woke up to snow. Not very much (less then 5 cm) and it's almost all gone now but it was so pretty as the snow was stuck to the trees. These are two pictures of some of the trees in our backyard.

Picture of a neighbors house and tree laden with snow

I have been able to do some stitching on my latest project but it's still really hard to tell what it is. My Dad saw it and asked if I was stitching something "adult in nature" and then suggested a candle...lol. Showed him the picture and all I got was an Ohh.


Emily in NC said...

Glad your legs are feeling better. WIP is nice, what is it??

Nancy M said...

We got 8" of that wet stuff too! I can see your Dads confusion....I saw it too! LOL

MaryT said...

So glad you legs are feeling better. Nice WIP but sorry I have to ask too what are you stitching:0)

Katrien said...

Lol, now that you mentioned your father's comment, I can understand it :-)

Mitchie said...

I'm stitching Achoo by Dimension. It's a Dalmatian dog. I posted a picture of the kit in an earlier post.